
Scaling for
Business Growth

Laurie Stanwick, Sales Director at Percipient, looks at the importance of investing in the right kind of digital in order to scale and capitalise on business growth.

Pursuing business growth in 2023 is a great deal more complex than simply building on what you have always done. Geopolitical unrest and supply chain disruption have converged to create a high inflationary environment, with economists and business leaders pointing to the fact that this picture is set to stay for the foreseeable future at least. Add to the mix a growing labour shortage, and it’s fair to say that scaling a business in 2023 requires new strategies and tools which support a culture entrenched in resilience and agility.

Digital is undoubtedly the predominant lever in adapting to this new environment and establishing the foundations for an agile, scalable business. But there is a risk that investing in the wrong kind of digital can impede, rather than support this goal.

Many Shades of Digital

When it comes to software deployments, organisations are typically faced with a choice of on-premise, SaaS or cloud.

While we have seen widespread adoption of cloud, a large number of organisations were, until fairly recently, still opting for on-premise platforms, largely because of culture, or the need to get payback from legacy systems.

The pandemic-induced need for remote working shone a spotlight on the benefits of the cloud, exposing the risk, inefficiencies and complexities associated with legacy systems, and since then, we have seen adoption rates soar.

Whereas our conversations with prospects and customers would previously have involved discussion around the merits of the cloud, now we typically talk about types of cloud, and why pure cloud or cloud-native applications represent the future.

The Future is Cloud-Native

Compared with Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) deployments, which involve a third party hosting an application built for an on-premise model, a cloud-native model delivers on the full premise of the proposition. In the same way that the apps on our phones just work, and are updated regularly without us really even noticing, so does true cloud software.

The benefits are obvious. In 2023, why would you invest heavily in a solution which had a shelf life, after which it would require either expensive upgrades, or would be left unsupported? Accepting that kind of risk has simply become unacceptable in the wake of alternative offerings and models.

Rapid Scale for First Move Advantage

When it comes to scaling a business, a cloud-native model means that there is no additional cost and complexity associated with bringing new entities on board, or launching in new regions, or shifting a business model to reflect a change in direction.

The software is always on the latest version, easy to use, delivering modern functionality which in the case of Sage Intacct, has been shaped by user feedback directly.

Because pure cloud always sees the latest version of software in the hands of users, there is no risk, and no resource required for upgrades. This not only minimises the need for expensive and disruptive upgrades but takes the pressure off an already squeezed labour pool, because updates are undertaken and delivered by the provider.

The remote access enabled by a cloud model also supports skills acquisition by facilitating access to a larger pool of talent, both from a diversity and geographical perspective. For many industries, the days of being confined to candidates in and around the physical office no longer exist. And in turn, this means less of a need to expand physical office space when scaling and a lighter, more cost-effective infrastructure from which to pursue strategies.

The cloud offers a much more customer-centric model, with a detailed roadmap based on user feedback to deliver precisely the speed and agility needed to scale quickly in modern markets.

As well as flexibility via virtual seamless upgrades which improve operating efficiency, it can maximise the potential of teams, enhancing collaboration and productivity, fostering better access to talent, and better use of talent acquisition. Of course, all of this results in a better proposition to the market, and expands the opportunity to scale, both now and as future dynamics dictate.

Trusted Sage Intacct Partner

If you’d like to learn more about how Sage Intacct can help your business to eliminate expensive software upgrades, improve performance, and embrace growth, get in touch or call the team on 01606 871332.

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