
2022 Another Record Year for Percipient

Chris Stock reflects on the last 12 months, highlighting record successes, a new cloud-led era and a team ready to take this to the next level as 2023 gets underway.

If, as many have observed, 2022 was the year cloud reached maturity, then our business is tightly tuned to the market, with SaaS growth dominating our own headlines for the last 12 months.

A Faster Beat

Mapped against our three-fold growth, retention and innovation strategy, we have onboarded more customers than ever before. With a compelling proposition comprised of the right people, processes and technology, and the ability to deploy quickly via the cloud, we are undoubtedly working to a faster beat. This tempo, supported by a culture of excellence, trust and confidence, has resulted in a record number of customer success stories highlighting the value our customers are experiencing and a 25% revenue growth against the previous year.

These customer successes and complementary storytelling represent an important part of our focus, and this approach supports our retention strategy by helping to strengthen our community. Part of this strand has seen our hospitality user group expand and gain increased momentum, and a number of successful webinars, with many customers sharing best practices, tips and advice from which to pursue their own digital initiatives.

The year wouldn’t be complete without an award to celebrate some of our successes, and this year took the form of Sage’s Industry Specialist Partner in recognition of our work in the hospitality sector.

Celebrating People

As ever, our people are the heart of our business, and this has come into even sharper focus in light of the hybrid working model we’ve seen play out post-pandemic. Our team has grown by 15% and we are continuously looking at new ways in which to bring people together, celebrate success and enjoy events.

Some great times and conversations were had at the Sage Intacct event in Orlando and the Sage X3 event in Dallas, which were all the more special for having missed out on so many during the pandemic years.

The year wouldn’t be complete without an award to celebrate some of our successes, and this year took the form of Sage’s Industry Specialist Partner in recognition of our work in the hospitality sector.

The Year Ahead

Looking to the year ahead, we’re in the best place we have ever been, with such a high calibre of people making up one of the best teams I have ever worked with. We’re incredibly excited to continue the growth seen in the last 12 months as we look to celebrate our 20-year anniversary. I am genuinely not sure where those 20 years have gone and so much has changed throughout that time, much of which we’ll be talking about in our future blogs. But clearly, time flies when you are working hard and having fun.

Contact Percipient

If you would like to know more about Percipient or the benefits a Sage finance solution could have on your business in 2023, get in touch or call us on 01606 871332.

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